Welcomd Back

Hi everyone,

Welcome back! I hope everyone and their families have managed to stay safe and healthy. This semester will be a bit bizarre, both generally and for the Buddhist Study Association (BSA) as well, due to the pandemic. It's likely that all of our events will be online, but I will do what I can to explore possibilities to meet in person safely.

For those of you who have never participated with the Buddhist Study Association before, the following should give you a sense of what we have to offer:

I think the last one should probably be emphasized: the BSA is first and foremost is a group of chill people with good vibes that like to hang out and eat delicious food :-)

We will have a “table” at the Virtual Involvement Fair this Thursday from 4 to 7 pm at this link: https://iu.zoom.us/j/92138832119. If you might be interested but would like to get some more info, please stop by then. You're also welcome to dive right into meditation any weekday evening (including this evening) from 6:30 to 7:00 pm at this link: https://zoom.us/j/848430025. Also feel free to just respond to this email with any questions you might have or if you would like to set up a time for meditation instruction.

Good luck this semester and I hope to see you all soon!
