
Hi everyone,

Thanks to all of you who dropped in during the virtual involvement fair last week. It was nice meeting you all! Also, if you just signed up to receive e-mails from us in the past few days, we look forward to seeing you soon!

This Friday (September 4th) at 7:15 p.m. (after meditation) we will have a call out meeting for those looking for more information about the group. We will also use the time to brainstorm about activities we can do this semester since we will be mostly restricted to Zoom, so past members please come if you can too! Use this link for the call out meeting on Friday: https://zoom.us/j/848430025 (Same link we use for meditation)

As always, we will also have our regular 6:30-7:00 pm meditation periods every weekday evening through Zoom at this link: https://zoom.us/j/848430025 (Note that this is the same link that has been sent out in previous e-mails in the event you were already getting messages from us). We start sitting at 6:30; if you've never come before, try to drop in at 6:25 just so we can say hello and give a quick explanation of how the “Zoom meditation” works. If you've never meditated before or feel uncomfortable jumping into a group setting, respond to this e-mail and we can set up a time to do a meditation intro.

We hope to see you on Friday!